
Copyright MIT MIT License

BWSI Autonomous RACECAR Course Racecar Neo LTS

File Name: File Description: Defines the interface of the Camera module of the racecar_core library.

class camera.Camera#

Returns the color images and depth images captured by the camera.

get_color_image() NDArray[480, 640, 3, UInt]#

Returns a deep copy of the current color image captured by the camera.


An array representing the pixels in the image, organized as follows

0th dimension: pixel rows, indexed from top to bottom. 1st dimension: pixel columns, indexed from left to right. 2nd dimension: pixel color channels, in the blue-green-red format.


Each color value ranges from 0 to 255.

This function returns a deep copy of the captured image. This means that we can modify the returned image and it will not change the image returned by future calls to get_color_image().


# Initialize image with a deep copy of the most recent color image captured
# by the camera
image =

# Store the amount of blue in the pixel on row 3, column 5
blue = image[3][5][0]
abstract get_color_image_async() NDArray[480, 640, 3, UInt]#

Returns the current color image without the car in “go” mode.


An array representing the pixels in the image, organized as follows

0th dimension: pixel rows, indexed from top to bottom. 1st dimension: pixel columns, indexed from left to right. 2nd dimension: pixel color channels, in the blue-green-red format.


Each color value ranges from 0 to 255.


This function breaks the start-update paradigm and should only be used in Jupyter Notebook.


# Initialize image with the most recent color image captured by the camera
image =

# Store the amount of blue in the pixel on row 3, column 5
blue = image[3][5][0]
abstract get_color_image_no_copy() NDArray[480, 640, 3, UInt]#

Returns a direct reference to the color image captured by the camera.


An array representing the pixels in the image, organized as follows

0th dimension: pixel rows, indexed from top to bottom. 1st dimension: pixel columns, indexed from left to right. 2nd dimension: pixel color channels, in the blue-green-red format.


Do not modify the returned image. The returned image is a reference to the captured image, so any changes will also affect the images returned by any future calls to get_color_image() or get_color_image_no_copy().


Each color value ranges from 0 to 255.

Unlike get_color_image(), this function does not create a deep copy of the captured image, and is therefore more efficient.


# Initialize image with a direct reference to the recent color image
# captured by the camera
image =

# Store the amount of blue in the pixel on row 3, column 5
blue = image[3][5][0]

# We can safely call crop because it does not modify the source image
cropped_image = rc_utils.crop(image, (0, 0), (10, 10))

# However, if we wish to draw on the image, we must first create a manual
# copy with copy.deepcopy()
image_copy = copy.deepcopy(image)
modified_image = rc_utils.draw_circle(image_copy, (50, 50))
abstract get_depth_image() NDArray[480, 640, Float]#

Returns the current depth image captured by the camera.


A two-dimensional array indexed from top left to the bottom right storing the distance of each pixel from the car in cm.


# Initialize image with the most recent depth image captured by the camera
image =

# Store the distance of the object at pixel row 3, column 5
distance = image[3][5]
abstract get_depth_image_async() NDArray[480, 640, Float]#

Returns the current depth image without the car in “go” mode.


A two-dimensional array indexed from top left to the bottom right storing the distance of each pixel from the car in cm.


This function breaks the start-update paradigm and should only be used in Jupyter Notebook.


# Initialize image with the most recent depth image captured by the camera
image =

# Store the distance of the object at pixel row 3, column 5
distance = image[3][5]
get_height() int#

Returns the pixel height of the color and depth images.


The height (number of pixel rows) in the color and depth images.


image =

# Access the top bottom left pixel of the image
bottom_left_pixel = image[ - 1][0]
get_max_range() float#

Returns the maximum distance in cm which can be detected by the depth camera.


The maximum range of the depth camera.


depth_image =
center_distance = rc_utils.get_depth_image_center_distance(depth_image)

# If center_distance is 0.0 (no data), set it to max_range
if center_distance == 0.0:
    center_distance =
get_width() int#

Returns the pixel width of the color and depth images.


The width (number of pixel columns) in the color and depth images.


image =

# Access the top right pixel of the image
top_right_pixel = image[0][ - 1]